North Powder Charter School in North Powder, Oregon, is grateful to the generous Ruralite readers who sent decks of cards and dice to the school for Family Math Night in March. The request was published in a Reader Exchange ad in January.

The school received more than 400 decks of cards and 450 dice from across the United States, including places as far as New York City and Anchorage, Alaska. NPCS staff loved reading the personal notes enclosed with many of the packages.

The donations were used to make math game bags consisting of two decks of cards and a pair of dice. Students from preschool through sixth grade were invited with their families to enjoy a night of fun math games, dinner and bingo. Thirty-two families—more than 50 students—attended.

The math games build number identification skills and fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students took home their math game bags with directions for each game so they can continue to play with their families.