Ever-advancing technology plays a predominant role in our lives. Along with wonderful benefits, there is a dark side distorting and corrupting technological advances.

In 2004, the U.S. government designated October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month to encourage citizens to identify and safeguard themselves against cyberattacks.

You are key to your cybersecurity and need to understand scams that could harm you. Be alert if someone contacts you and threatens to disconnect electric service if payment is not made upon demand. Scammers can “spoof” or alter the name and phone number on caller ID to show your utility. Your electric utility does not make phone calls to solicit immediate payment.

Scams can often happen through email, phone calls, text messages, surveys and social media.

If contacted, call your utility directly or check the app connected to your account to determine its status.


Tips to Protect Yourself From a Scam

  • If someone calls threatening to shut off your power if you don’t pay, hang up. It is a scam.
  • Call your utility to report the scam.
  • Don’t click random email links. Verify the source and its validity before proceeding.
  • Never give personal or financial information to an unsolicited caller.
  • If you think you are the victim of a scam, contact the police.