Teachers are experts at setting up your children for success at school, so we asked veteran teacher Beth Teegarden for her six favorite back-to-school tips to ensure your child has the best possible experience this year.

  1. Bedtimes matter. Have a consistent, appropriate bedtime that allows for ample sleep.
  2. Limit technology. Know what your children are doing with the technology. Talk to them, and verify for yourself.
  3. Read to children every night. Family reading time before bed helps instil enjoyment and comprehension. It opens discussion and improves fluency for student readers.
  4. Practice patience and taking turns. Life and school are not about instant gratification. Children need to take turns and practice being able to wait at school. This can be practiced while running errands, preparing a meal or cleaning up toys.
  5. Designate a homework space. Set up a distraction-free space with school supplies, a table or desk. To avoid a battle, talk ahead of time and agree upon a time when school work should be completed.
  6. Be an involved parent. Children whose parents attend parent-teacher conferences and check in with teachers tend to have fewer issues at school.