We have always known we have special readers. When requests are made through Reader Exchange, people respond. They are generous with their time and knowledge—evidenced earlier this year with the outpouring in response to a pair of birthday requests.

Louise Sperling of Klickitat, Washington, invited others to shower her dad, Paul—who turned 105 in January—with birthday cards and letters. Did you ever!

 “We were overwhelmed to receive just over 850 cards,” Louise says. “They filled the house, and our hearts, with so much joy.”

Her dad, shown below holding one of the cards, died in March after a life well lived as a man of faith and a friend to many. It did not go without notice to Louise that many of you wrote, “We are friends that just haven’t yet met.” 

Robert Wasser of Homer, Alaska, found his mailbox filled with birthday wishes.

Robert Wasser of Alaska was all smiles as he unpacked his mailbox filled with your good wishes.

“My veteran father’s 88th birthday in February during this tough year was truly epic, thanks to you!” writes daughter Merri Shunk, a senior accountant with Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. “He received over 800 cards, notes and pictures from all over the country. His daily trips to the mailbox gave all our family wonderful stories to share over the miles. What amazing cooperative members you are!”

Well done, readers.