Heartfelt personal ads in each issue featured rural singles doing their best to connect in 25 words or less. Did it work? Did readers find their soulmates? Read on.

“Christian man of integrity. Enjoys kids, mountains, food, conversation, country western music, backpacking, horses, working, singing, relaxing. Seek active, countrified Christian lady, mature 21-30.”

Flashforward to 2021 and say hello to Craig and Jenni Tissell, a happily married couple who found one another through—you guessed it—Ruralite magazine.

Jenni shared this with us: “I just ran across the newest Ruralite publication (her family gets the Clearwater edition) with the beautiful one-of-a-kind homes on it and reminisced about how my husband and I met through a Ruralite ad over 23 years ago and we are still going strong. If it wasn’t for the Ruralite we never would have met!”

While the internet and online dating eventually made Rural Mailbox a thing of the past, we are glad Jenni and Craig—who began their love story in rural Washington before moving to Idaho—are still going strong and will celebrate 24 years of marriage in early December.